In Memory of Mark Freedman

Who We Support

Making a community impact, together.

Crime Stoppers

Providing a portal to help bring in the answers to open questions on unsolved crimes is what Crime Stoppers does. Through their organization, one tip can lead the detectives in the right direction and heal our community's hearts.

A Simple Gesture

Food justice is an important part of community justice. We take donations from individual donors and organizations and use them to fight hunger. Help us connect with donors and with people in need.

Greensboro Urban Ministries

At the Greensboro Urban Ministry they provide food, shelter, and supportive services to our neighbors in need. Included at the Greensboro Urban Ministry is Potter's House Kitchen, Weaver House Shelter and Full Service Food Bank and Emergency Assitance Programs.

Out of the Garden Project

In 2009, Out of the Garden Project began by supplying a handful of families with food on Friday so they would have enough to eat over the weekend. From small, humble beginnings, this organization has grown to the largest of its kind in the Piedmont Triad. It is all thanks to volunteers and donors like you who have made it possible.